SynAct Pharma raises 60.5 MSEK and 168% surge: Nordic | Biotech & Healthcare (week 42)

Nordic | Biotech & Healthcare gives insights to listed Danish & Nordic biotech & healthcare stocks. We keep you updated on their news flow including updates of clinical trials, acquisitions, insider trading, price targets, right issues, etc. We also present the top 3 best performing stocks in the Nordics each week.

In the past week, SynAct Phara raised 60.5 MSEK, Genmab was subject to two new price recommendations, and CS Medica got two approvals in India. On the other hand, it was also a tough week for the Danish biotech & healthcare where several stocks fell by double-digit percentages without any significant negative news. The best healthcare stock in the Nordics rose 168% in the past week.

In the past week, 5 of the 20 listed Danish biotech companies published news. Only 5 of the 20 companies had a positive share price development the past week and 8 companies have a positive share price performance year to date. Cessatech continues to be the best performing stock year-to-date with a 172% increase.

Danish Company news the past week

Ascendis Pharma

No news the past week


No news the past week


No news the past week

CS Medica

Danske Bank Backs CS MEDICA with DKK 1,2 Million Credit Line (Link)

CS MEDICA Announces Indian State’s FDA Approval for Two Cosmetic Products (Link)


No news the past week

Evaxion Biotech

No news the past week


ExpreS2ion to participate in upcoming events at World Vaccine Congress Europe and the Conference on Vaccines Research & Development (Link)


No news the past week


Genmab was subject to two research notes in the past week. Nordea Equity Research downgraded from buy to hold while BTIG upgraded their price target from 44$ to 46$ for the American ADR that currently trades at 31.73$.


No news the past week

Initiator Pharma

No news the past week

IO Biotech

No news the past week

Pila Pharma

No news the past week


Saniona’s partner AstronauTx raises 61 MUSD (Link)

Scandion Oncology

No news the past week

SynAct Pharma

SynAct Pharma AB carries out a directed issue of shares and warrants raising initial gross proceeds of SEK 60.5 million (Link)
SynAct Pharma AB publishes prospectus in connection with admission to trading of new shares on Nasdaq Stockholm (Link)


No news the past week

Zealand Pharma

No news the past week

Y-mAbs Therapeutics

No news the past week


2cureX advances towards IVD-R compliance by securing a contract with a Notified Body (Link)



On average, the Danish biotech and healthcare stocks delivered a negative share price performance last week of 5.4%. Interestingly, many stocks fell significantly without announcing any noteable negative news such as Expres2ion Biotech, CS Medica, 2Curex, and Genmab. In the past week, SynAct Pharma raised 60.5 MSEK, CS Medica announced two approvements in India, and 2cureX is advancing towards IVD-R compliance by securing a contract with a Notified Body. The best stocks year-to-date include Curasight, Cessatech, Fluoguide, Initiator Pharma and Saniona after soaring 67-172%. Overall, the Danish biotech and healthcare stocks are in positive terrotory this year with a year-to-date return of 0.3%. However, it is mainly driven by Cessatech and Fluoguide delivering very positive returns.

Read more about Curasight (in Danish): Et succesfuldt kvartal for Curasight med mere i vente

Overview of share price developments the past week, year-to-date and last twelve months


In the past week, Kapital Partner Nordic Healthcare Index (KPHC) fell 3% to 58.20. Kapital Partner Nordic Healthcare Index tracks all biotech & healthcare companies in the Nordics. It includes large cap companies such as Novo Nordisk and Genmab as well as smaller companies as Curasight. In the past year, it has significantly underperformed relative to the C25-index in Copenhagen and S30-index in Stockholm, while the Kapital Parnter Nordic Growth Exchanges index (KPNGX) has followed along the KPHC-index.

The index development for Kapital Partner Healthcare Index the past 12 months

The KPHC index includes all Nordic healthcare stocks. This means both Novo Nordisk and Genmab as well as Curasight.

The 3 best performing Nordic biotech & healthcare stocks the past week

PharmaLundensis AB (168%) (Nordnet) main focus is on the treatment of severe pulmonary diseases. The three diseases the company is specialised in include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis, and influenza-induced lung failure. In addition, development is made on system that eliminates the release of pharmaceutical pollution.

Polarcool AB (94%) (Nordnet) is focused on offering products and solutions targeted at injuries in sports and physical activity. Main focus is on research and development of products used for the treatment of various brain injuries, for example in boxing, rugby, and American football. Polarcool AB rose following a ISO 13485:2016 certificate. Read more here.

PCI Biotech Holding ASA (46%) (Nordnet) is a biopharmaceutical group, where most of the operations are conducted within the subsidiary PCI Biotech. The Group currently conducts operations in the development of therapeutic products based on the proprietary PCI technology. The solutions are intended for use in the treatment of cancer patients.

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