Nordic | Biotech & Healthcare gives insights to listed Danish & Nordic biotech & healthcare stocks. We keep you updated on their news flow including updates of clinical trials, acquisitions, insider trading, price targets, right issues, etc. We also present the top 3 best performing stocks in the Nordics each week.
In the past week, Genmab announced sales data of Darzalex, Curasight reported preclinical data of uTREAT in lung data, and Y-mAbs Therapeutics got an U.S. FDA update on a new drug application for CD38-SADA. On the other hand, it was also another tough week for the Danish biotech & healthcare where several stocks fell by double-digit percentages without any significant negative news. The best healthcare stock in the Nordics rose 78% in the past week.
In the past week, 7 of the 20 listed Danish biotech companies published news. Only 4 of the 20 companies had a positive share price development the past week and 8 companies have a positive share price performance year-to-date. Cessatech continues to be the best performing stock year-to-date with a 159% increase.
Danish Company news the past week
Ascendis Pharma
Ascendis Pharma Presents TransCon™ PTH (palopegteriparatide) Phase 3 52-Week Skeletal Dynamics Data at ASBMR 2023 (Link)
No news the past week
No news the past week
No news the past week
Curasight A/S reports positive preclinical results with uTREAT[®] in lung cancer (NSCLC) (Link)
Evaxion Biotech
No news the past week
ExpreS2ion to participate in upcoming events at World Vaccine Congress Europe and the Conference on Vaccines Research & Development (Link)
No news the past week
Genmab Announces Net Sales of DARZALEX® (daratumumab) for Third Quarter of 2023 (Link)
TIVDAK® (tisotumab vedotin-tftv) Significantly Prolonged Overall Survival in Patients with Recurrent or Metastatic Cervical Cancer Compared with Chemotherapy in Global Phase 3 innovaTV 301 Trial (Link)
No news the past week
Initiator Pharma
Initiator Pharma presenterar på BioStock Life Science Summit den 25 oktober (Link)
IO Biotech
No news the past week
Pila Pharma
No news the past week
No news the past week
Scandion Oncology
No news the past week
SynAct Pharma
No news the past week
No news the past week
Zealand Pharma
Zealand Pharma presents data for amylin analog ZP8396 at ObesityWeek (Link)
Zealand Pharma major shareholder announcement: Polar Capital (Link)
Y-mAbs Therapeutics
Y-mAbs Announces Publication in Cancers (Link)
Y-mAbs Therapeutics Announces U.S. FDA Clearance of Investigational New Drug Application for CD38-SADA (Link)
Y-mAbs Names Michael Rossi as President and Chief Executive Officer and Director (Link)
No news the past week
On average, the Danish biotech and healthcare stocks delivered a negative share price performance last week of 2.6%. Expres2ion Biotech rose 30%, while they attended the World Vaccine Congress Europe. Curasight came second with a 11% increase following positive pre-clinical data for uTREAT in lung cancer, meanwhile Genmab fell 9% after reporting sales data of Darzalex. The best stocks year-to-date include Curasight, Cessatech, Fluoguide, and Saniona after soaring 74-159%. Overall, the Danish biotech and healthcare stocks are in negative terrotory this year with a year-to-date return of -3.1%.
Read more about Curasight (in Danish): Et succesfuldt kvartal for Curasight med mere i vente
Overview of share price developments the past week, year-to-date and last twelve months

In the past week, Kapital Partner Nordic Healthcare Index (KPHC) fell 3% to 57.12. Kapital Partner Nordic Healthcare Index tracks all biotech & healthcare companies in the Nordics. It includes large cap companies such as Novo Nordisk and Genmab as well as smaller companies as Curasight. In the past year, it has significantly underperformed relative to the C25-index in Copenhagen and S30-index in Stockholm, while the Kapital Parnter Nordic Growth Exchanges index (KPNGX) has followed the KPHC-index’ trajectory.
The index development for Kapital Partner Healthcare Index the past 12 months

The 3 best performing Nordic biotech & healthcare stocks the past week
BergenBio ASA (78%) (Nordnet) is a Norwegian oncology company. The company conducts research and development of inhibitory drugs for the treatment of aggressive cancers. The company has developed a number of products whose composition intends to block the protein AXL, a protein positively related to the spread of cancer cells.
Cereno Scientific AB (66%) (Nordnet) are active within biotechnology. Today, the company is focused on developing pharmaceuticals for the treatment of various cardiovascular diseases. The products are used to treat potential blood clots that may lead to stroke, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, as well as venous thrombosis. Friday 13th October after close Cereno Scientific reported positive results from the data quality control review initiative in the Phase II study of CS1 in rare disease pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Read more here.
Medimi AB (61%) (Nordnet) develops products in the healthcare sector. The business is focused on developing, manufacturing and selling products that facilitate patient medication. The products are sold under separate trademarks and include systems for medication assistance that alerts relatives or caregivers in cases when medication dose has been missed, as well as a stationary pill dispenser. In the past week, the company announced that their pilot project with dispensers in Norway had succesfully started.