Gubra signs collaboration deal: Danish Biotech Weekly (35)

Danish Biotech Weekly with insights to listed Danish biotech companies. We keep you updated on their news flow including updates on clinical trials, acquisitions, insider trading, price targets, right issues, etc.

In the past week, Gubra terminated an agreement with Bayer, but also entered into a new collaboration agreement. Furthermore, several companies reported earnings with mixed results.

The past week was full of interesting news with 9 of the 20 listed Danish biotech companies publishing news. 14 of the 20 companies had a positive share price development the past week and 8 companies have a positive share price performance year to date. Fluoguide has overtaken Saniona as the best performing stock year-to-date.

Company news the past week

Ascendis Pharma

Ascendis Pharma A/S announced three upcoming investor presentations (Link)


Latest interview with Biosergen about the company, upcomming price trigger events and much more (Link)


Second quarter report Q2-2023 (Link)

CS Medica

No news the past week


Interim Report January – June 2023 (Link)

In Danish: Et succesfuldt kvartal med mere i vente (Link)

Evaxion Biotech

No news the past week


No news the past week


No news the past week


No news the past week


Gubra A/S announces signing of collaboration agreement with Hemab ApS (Link)

Gubra announces termination of collaboration with Bayer (Link)

Initiator Pharma

Q2 2023 report (Link)

IO Biotech

No news the past week

Pila Pharma

PILA PHARMA publishes interim report (1 April – 30 June 2023) (Link)

PILA PHARMA announces capital infusion via convertible loans (Link)


No news the past week

Scandion Oncology

Interim Report Q2 2023 (Link)

SynAct Pharma

No news the past week


No news the past week

Zealand Pharma

Sale of shares in Zealand Pharma A/S (Link)

Transactions in Zealand Pharma shares and/or related securities by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and/or their closely associated persons (Link)

Y-mAbs Therapeutics

No news the past week


2cureX publishes interim report for Q2 2023 (Link)



On average, the Danish biotech stocks delivered a positive share price performance last week of 2.9%. The most notable changes in the share prices were driven by earnings results. Scandion Oncology became the best performing stock with 14%, while Pila Pharma followed with an 11% increase. Both companies reported earnings for the second quarter during the week. On the other hand, 2Curex dropped 7% after reporting H1. The best stocks year-to-date include Curasight, Fluoguide, and Saniona after soaring 82-137%. Overall, the Danish biotech stocks are in positive terrotory this year with a year-to-date return of 2,3%, however driven by the few companies delivering very positive returns.

Read more about Curasight and Fluoguide: The unique cancer treatment of the future – Today’s investment

Overview of share price developments the past week, year-to-date and last twelve months

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