Companies listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market or on the (Nordic MTF) must be assigned a special adviser – respectively a Nasdaq Certified Adviser and an NGM Mentor. Kapital Partner is Nasdaq Certified Adviser in Sweden and Denmark and an NGM Mentor. Advisors not approved by the exchanges can thus not assist companies with the application for an IPO.
As a Certified Adviser and Mentor, respectively, we oversee the listing of the company, including the actual application to the stock exchange, as well as the subsequent advice to the company in relation to compliance with the stock exchange’s regulations and securities legislation.
Kapital Partner performs or has within the last 12 months performed corporate finance, market relations, investor relations, Certified Adviser or other advisory activities for the following listed companies:, Biosergen, InterMail, Pila Pharma, Hypefactors, Curasight, Evaxion, Re-Match, Audientes,, Nexcom.
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