Zealand Pharma with leading obesity drug, Q-Linea up 363%, but sector down at par with C25

NORDIC | BIOTECH & HEALTHCARE Your insights into listed Danish & Nordic biotech & healthcare stocks.

In the past week, the Nordic biotech and healthcare stocks declined by 1.4%, while the Danish ones fell even more by -5.6%. Most notably, Genmab received a new price target with 47% upside, FluoGuide got approval to start a phase II study in head and neck cancer, Evaxion completed dosing of all patients in a phase II study, Saniona’s JV secured new funding, and Zealand Pharma thinks they are on their way with the leading obesity drug. A Swedish medtech stock rose the most with 363%.

4 of the 20 Danish biotech companies had a positive share price development in the past week and 9 companies had a positive share price performance over the past 12 months. Obesity continues to drive the best performances with Gubra, Zealand Pharma, and Pila Pharma having strong LTM performances Gubra is the best performer with 440% over the last twelve months.

Danish company news

Acarix AB

No news in the past week

Ascendis Pharma

Ascendis Pharma Provides Business and Strategic Roadmap Update at 43rd Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference (Link)


No news in the past week


No news in the past week


No news in the past week

DanCann Pharma

No news in the past week

Evaxion Biotech

Evaxion completes dosing in phase 2 trial with personalized cancer vaccine EVX-01 (Link)


No news in the past week


FluoGuide A/S receives approval for phase II trial in head and neck cancer (Link)


Swedish Handelsbanken raised their price target to DKK 2,200 from DKK 2,000 with 47% compared to the current price


Gubra appoints new Chief Operating Officer (link)

Initiator Pharma

No news the past week

IO Biotech

No news the past week

Pila Pharma

No news the past week


Saniona’s Joint Venture, Cephagenix, Secures Seed Funding from AdBio Partners and AbbVie Ventures (Link)

Scandion Oncology

Scandion Oncology announces final data from the CORIST trial and is ready to move into a randomized phase II Proof of Concept trial in Colorectal Cancer (Link)

SynAct Pharma

No news the past week


No news the past week

Zealand Pharma

At JPMorgan’s annual health conference, Zealand Pharma’s CEO called Novo Nordisk’s CagriSema data for good data, and added that he thinks Zealand Pharma is on its way with the leading obesity drug

Y-mAbs Therapeutic

No news the past week


No news the past week

Share price development – Danish stocks

On average, Danish biotech and healthcare stocks delivered a negative return of 5.6%. Fluoguide rose 8% following approval from EMA to start a phase II study in head and neck cancer. Further, Evaxion Biotech completed dosing all patients in a phase II study with their vaccine candidate EVX-01. Genmab declined another 6% although Swedish Handelsbanken raised their price target to DKK 2,200, while the stock is trading at DKK 1,500. Saniona‘s JV Cephagenix got new funding, and Scandion Oncology moved forward with SCO-101 that has so far proved to be very safe. Finally, Zealand Pharma’s CEO presented at JPMorgan’s annual health conference, where he called Novo Nordisk’s CagriSema data good data, and added that he thinks Zealand Pharma is on its way with the leading obesity drug

For the past twelve months, 3 stocks have more than doubled including Pila Pharma, Gubra, and Saniona. Gubra is the best performer with 430% return over the last twelve months.

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Overview of share price development the past week, year-to-date, and the last twelve month

Nordic Biotech & Healthcare Developments

The Kapital Partner Nordic Healthcare Index (KPHC) declined by 1.4% to 64,09 in the past week. The index had a rough start over the past 12 months, then made a comeback followed by another drawback. The index has performed better than the C25 Index over the past year, but the return is still negative.

The Nordic healthcare stocks (KPHC) vs. C25, S30, and KPNGX the past year

The top three best-performing stocks in the past week

Q-Linea (363%) is active in medical technology. The company specializes in the research and development of instruments and consumables. The products are mainly used in the treatment of infectious diseases and sepsis, and include diagnostic and analytical tools, as well as other basic sample handling. The technology is based on the so-called ID and AST technology

Klaria Pharma Holding (149%) is active in the pharmaceutical industry. Today, the business is focused on developing and commercializing solutions in the therapeutic areas of migraine and cancer-related pain. The technology is based on the company’s drug-delivery platform, where the product consists of alginate-based polymer film. The film is attached to the patient’s oral mucosa, which enables the distribution of drugs in the body. The company signed a license agreement for Sumatriptan Alginatfim with CNX Therapeutics.

Hofset Biocare (60%) is a Norwegian company active in biotechnology. The company develops various high-quality protein and calcium powders, as well as salmon oil. Through the use of patented technology, the company can extract substances for production at an early stage. The products are supplied in the form of food supplements and sold through health stores.

Resources: Refinitiv Eikon, Cision, Nordnet & company websites

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