Zealand Pharma weight loss success, 2cureX pivots (kind of) stay on First North, FluoGuide MSEK 60 placement

NORDIC | BIOTECH & HEALTHCARE Your insights into listed Danish & Nordic biotech & healthcare stocks.

Last week, the KPHC rose 0.7% compared to 2.5% for the Danish healthcare stocks specifically. 2cureX rose 88% after they now plan to stay on the Nasdaq First North instead of delisting. Zealand Pharma positive phase 1 study results and FluoGuide completed a MSEK 60 directed share issue at a 7.5% discount.

8 of the 22 Danish healthcare companies had a positive share price development the past week and 10 companies have had a positive share price performance year-to-date. Gubra is the best-performing Danish healthcare stock year-to-date with a 288% return and 2cureX was the best Nordic healthcare investment last week.

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No news the past week

Ascendis Pharma

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No news the past week


Extraordinary General Meeting (Link)

CS Medica

CS MEDICA Group Completes Product Registration of CANNASEN® CBD-Infused Medical Devices in Israel (Link)


Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting (Link)

DanCann Pharma

Solid growth in the Rx portfolio (Link)

DanCann Pharma also had its last day of subscription of shares in the ongoing Rights Issue is 20 June 2024 on Nordnet Bank and Avanza Bank

Evaxion Biotech

Evaxion Publishes Data, Showing 67% Objective Response Rate in Metastatic Melanoma for the AI-Designed Personalized Cancer Vaccine EVX-01, in Leading Medical Journal (Link)


Publication of clinical Phase Ib trial data for the adjuvanted RH5.1 blood-stage malaria vaccine (Link)


FluoGuide has completed a directed share issue to existing and new investors raising proceeds of SEK 60 million (Link)


Genmab made buybacks


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Initiator Pharma

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IO Biotech

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Pila Pharma

No news the past week


Saniona comments on article addressing the potential mechanism of action behind tesofensine’s unique weight loss effect (Link)

Scandion Oncology

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SynAct Pharma

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No news the past week

Zealand Pharma

Zealand Pharma announces positive topline results from the Phase 1b 16-week multiple ascending dose clinical trial with long-acting amylin analog petrelintide (Link)

Danske Bank increased their price target from 625 DKK to 800 DKK

Y-mAbs Therapeutics

No news the past week

2CureX appointed Ole Thastrup as new CEO





On average, the Danish biotech and healthcare stocks delivered a negative share price performance the past week of 2.5% compared to 0.7% for the KPHC index. 2cureX was the best-performing Danish healthcare stock with an 88% increase after they now plan to stay on the Nasdaq First North, but selling the activities through the divesture of the subsidaiary. Zealand Pharma also did well with a 16% following positive phase I topline results of its weight loss project. Finally, Fluoguide fell 5% after the company completed a direct share issue to existing and new investors raising MSEK 60 at a discount of 7.5%.

The best stock year-to-date is Gubra followed by Pila Pharma with 168 and 288% increases after the first 5.5 months of trading. Zealand Pharma and DanCann Pharma have also made a +100% return year-to-date. Overall the Danish biotech and healthcare stocks are in positive territory this year with a year-to-date return of 11.9%.

Overview of share price developments the past week, year-to-date, and last twelve months


The past week, the all-Nordic index Kapital Partner Nordic Healthcare Index (KPHC) rose 0.7% to 66,40. The index has had a strong performance since the end of April, but last week the index took a hit. In the past 12 months, the KPHC index has significantly underperformed relative to large caps, while the venture/small cap Kapital Partner Nordic Growth Exchanges index (KPNGX) has followed the KPHC index’s downward trajectory down around 15%.

The index development for Kapital Partner Healthcare Index the past 12 months

The KPHC index includes all Nordic healthcare stocks. This means both Novo Nordisk and Genmab as well as Curasight.

63-88% in weekly return for the three best-performing Nordic biotech & healthcare stocks the past week

2cureX AB (88%) provides various tools that doctors use during treatment to measure the effect and resistance of cancer drugs on the patient’s own cancer cells. The goal is to shorten the treatment period and find the right personalised treatment. Today, the largest business is in the European market. The company rose 88% following news that it will stay on the Nasdaq First North.

XP Chemisties AB (78%) has a patented technology for producing capsaicin from forest raw materials. Capsaicin is a fat-soluble, color- and odorless, waxy substance. Capsaicin is used today in most products, including animal feed, pest control, cosmetics, and medical products.

Alteco Medical AB (63%)  offers a medical device for extracorporeal blood purification. The product removes endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) from the patient’s bloodstream, and is applied as an add-on therapy in sepsis to treat endotoxemia (high levels of endotoxin). This can help stabilize the patient in acute situations.

Sources: Refinitiv Eikon, Cision, Nordnet & company websites

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