Genmab reports Darzalex sales & Novo Nordisk presents promising data for obesity drug

NORDIC | BIOTECH & HEALTHCARE Your insights into listed Danish & Nordic biotech & healthcare stocks.

In the past week, the Nordic biotech and healthcare stocks increased by 1.2%, while the Danish rose 6.1%. Most notably, Genmab reported net sales of Darzalex in 2024 totaling more than USD 11 billion and received a new price target from Goldman Sachs. Further, the best-performing Nordic healthcare stock rose 96%, and obesity continues to be the talk of town.

11 of the 20 Danish biotech companies had a positive share price development in the past week and 12 companies had a positive share price performance over the past 12 months. Obesity continues to drive the best performances with Gubra, Zealand Pharma, and Pila Pharma having strong LTM performances Gubra is the best performer with 429% over the last twelve months.

Danish company news

Acarix AB

No news in the past week

Ascendis Pharma

No news in the past week


No news in the past week


No news in the past week


No news in the past week

DanCann Pharma

No news in the past week

Evaxion Biotech

No news in the past week


No news in the past week


No news in the past week


Genmab Announces Net Sales of DARZALEX® (daratumumab) for 2024 corresponding to MUSD 11,670 (Link)

Goldman Sachs also lowered its price target to DKK 2,066 from 2,425.


No news in the past week

Initiator Pharma

No news the past week

IO Biotech

No news the past week

Pila Pharma

No news the past week


No news in the past week

Scandion Oncology

No news in the past week

SynAct Pharma

No news the past week


No news the past week

Zealand Pharma

No news in the past week

Y-mAbs Therapeutic

No news the past week



Share price development – Danish stocks

On average, the Danish biotech and healthcare stocks delivered a return of 6.1%. Evaxion Biotech became the winner of the week with a 95% return even though the company did not report any news. Genmab was the only company that reported significant news as they reported net sales of Darzalex totaling MUSD 11,670. Furthermore, Goldman Sachs lowered their price target from DKK 2,066 to DKK 2,425.

Novo Nordisk, the Danish diabetes giant, also had a great week of performance following great data in a study with Amycretin showing a weight loss of 22% after 36 weeks. Zealand Pharma somehow responded positively to the news, who are also targeting the obesity market.

For the past twelve months, 3 stocks have more than doubled including Pila Pharma, Gubra, and Saniona. Gubra is the best performer with 429% return over the last twelve months.

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Overview of share price development the past week, year-to-date, and the last twelve month

Nordic Biotech & Healthcare Developments

The Kapital Partner Nordic Healthcare Index (KPHC) increased by 1.2% to 64,85 in the past week. The index had a rough start over the past 12 months, then made a comeback followed by another drawback, and now it seems to be on an upward trend. The index has performed better than the C25 Index over the past year, and the return is zero ish.

The Nordic healthcare stocks (KPHC) vs. C25, S30, and KPNGX the past year

The top three best-performing stocks in the past week

VibroSense Dynamics (96%) is active in medical technology. Today the business is focused on development of diagnostic support, particularly useful in the examination of neuropathy. The company’s customers are found among a number of institutions, hospitals, researchers, and health centres. Customers are found on a global level, with the main business in Europe, Asia and USA.

Pharmalundesis AB (44%)  is a research company. Main focus is on the treatment of severe pulmonary diseases. The three diseases the company is specialised in include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis, and influenza-induced lung failure. In addition, development is made on system that eliminates the release of pharmaceutical pollution.

Klaria Pharma Holding (37%) operates in the pharmaceutical industry. The business is focused on developing and commercializing solutions in the therapy areas of migraine and cancer-related pain. The technology is based on the company’s drug-delivery platform, where the product consists of the alginate-based polymer film. The film attaches to the patient’s oral mucosa, which enables the distribution of pharmaceuticals in the body.

Resources: Refinitiv Eikon, Cision, Nordnet & company websites

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