NORDIC | BIOTECH & HEALTHCARE Your insights into listed Danish & Nordic biotech & healthcare stocks.
In the past week, the Nordic biotech and healthcare stocks decreased by 2%, while the Danish ones by 1.6%. Most notably, CS Medica was delisted due to late payment of listing fee, IO Biotech completed enrollment of a major trial for its cancer vaccine, IO102-IO103, a new chairman was proposed at Saniona, Synact Pharma raised another MSEK 20, and Y-mAbs Therapeutics announced a strategic business update for 2025.
8 of the 21 Danish biotech companies had a positive share price development in the past week and 13 companies had a positive share price performance over the past 12 months. Obesity continues to drive the best performances with Gubra, Zealand Pharma, and Pila Pharma having strong LTM performances Gubra is the best performer with 440% over the last twelve months.
Danish company news
No news in the past week
No news in the past week
No news in the past week
No news in the past week
CS Medica got delisted from Spotlight Stock Market in Sweden
No news in the past week
No news in the past week
Evaxion announces extension to January 14, 2025, of plan to implement ADS ratio change (Link)
No news in the past week
No news the past week
No news the past week
No news the past week
No news the past week
IO Biotech Completes Enrollment in Phase 2 Trial of its Investigational, Off-the-shelf Therapeutic Cancer Vaccine, IO102-IO103, as Neoadjuvant/Adjuvant Treatment for Patients with Resectable Melanoma or Head and Neck Cancer (Link)
No news the past week
Saniona’s Nomination Committee Proposes John Haurum as New Chairman of the Board of Directors (Link)
No news the past week
SynAct Pharma AB announces outcome of the rights issue (Link)
No news the past week
No news the past week
Y-mAbs Provides Strategic Business Update and 2025 Priorities (Link)
Y-mAbs Appoints Experienced Commercial Leader as Head of DANYELZA Business Unit (Link)
Share price development – Danish stocks
On average, Danish biotech and healthcare stocks delivered a negative return of 1.6%. CS Medica was delisted from Spotlight Stock Market, IO Biotech completed enrollment of 93 patients across sites in the U.S. and Australia for its therapeutic cancer vaccine, IO102-IO103, for the treatment of resectable melanoma or head and neck cancer. Saniona proposed a new chairman, SynAct Pharmas rights issue of MSEK 20 was oversubscribed, and Y-mAbs Therapeutic announced a strategic business update for 2025.
For the past twelve months, 3 stocks have more than doubled including Pila Pharma, Gubra, and Saniona. Gubra is the best performer with 440% return over the last twelve months.
Overview of share price development the past week, year-to-date, and the last twelve month

Nordic Biotech & Healthcare Developments
The Kapital Partner Nordic Healthcare Index (KPHC) decreased by 2% to 64,71 in the past week. The index had a rough start over the past 12 months, then made a comeback followed by another drawback. The index has performed better than the C25 Index over the past year, but the return is still negative.
The Nordic healthcare stocks (KPHC) vs. C25, S30, and KPNGX the past year

The top three best-performing stocks in the past week
Glycorex Transplantation AB (67%) is a biotechnology company. The company conducts research, development, and marketing within the field of organ transplantation. The main product of the company, Glycosorb-ABO, enables transplants irrespective of the blood type of the donors and the recipients. Transplants with the help of the company’s product have been carried out worldwide.
Bonzun AB (58%) is focused on delivering technical services and solutions within health. The services include fertility treatments and stress programs, which are delivered in digital form to various corporate customers and private individuals. In addition, the company offers a digital program that supports self-development and stress management through behavioral therapy.
Audientes (47%) is a Danish technology company specializing in the development of hearing aids. Audientes’ hearing aid solution, Ven™ by Audientes, is available in the Indian market, online and through retailers. Audientes’ vision is to develop products that can be used by people suffering from hearing loss who currently do not have access to a solution for their hearing loss.
Resources: Refinitiv Eikon, Cision, Nordnet & company websites