Packed week, groundbreaking news from Zealand Pharma and positive sector trend

NORDIC | BIOTECH & HEALTHCARE Your insights into listed Danish & Nordic biotech & healthcare stocks.

Last week was packed with financial results; 10 companies presented Q4 results, Zealand Pharma presented groundbreaking results in liver disease (stock up 36%) and Genmab received priority review by the FDA against Epcoritamab.

9 of the 21 Danish companies had a positive share price development the past week and 8 companies have had a positive share price performance year-to-date. Y-mAbs Therapeutics is still the best-performing Danish healthcare stock year-to-date with a 174% return and Chosa Oncology AB was the best Nordic investment last week. The Nordic sector is again in a positive trajectory.

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Acarix (Nordnet)

No news the past week

Ascendis Pharma (Nordnet)

No news the past week

Biosergen (Nordnet)

Biosergen publishes interim report for fourth quarter 2023 (Link)

Cessatech (Nordnet)

Cessatech A/S publishes Annual Report for the fiscal year 2023 (Link)

CS Medica (Nordnet)

Letter from the CEO: CS MEDICA’s 2024 Progress Report (Link)

Curasight (Nordnet)

The subscription period for the rights issue closes this week on March 7.

Evaxion Biotech (Nordnet)

No news the past week

ExpreS2ion (Nordnet)

No news the past week

Fluoguide (Fluoguide)

FluoGuide A/S publishes year-end and annual report for the fiscal year 2023 (Link)

Genmab (Nordnet)

U.S. FDA Accepts for Priority Review the Supplemental Biologics License Application for Epcoritamab (EPKINLY®) for Difficult-to-Treat Relapsed or Refractory Follicular Lymphoma (Link)

Gubra (Nordnet)

Annual Report 2023 – Revenue in the CRO business growing by 29% to record high level (Link)

Initiator Pharma (Nordnet)

No news the past week

IO Biotech (Nordnet)

IO Biotech to Present at 44th Annual Cowen Health Care Conference (Link)

Pila Pharma (Nordnet)

PILA PHARMA publishes year-end report (1 January – 31 December 2023) (Link)

Saniona (Nordnet)

Saniona publishes its year-end report for 2023 (Link)

Scandion Oncology (Nordnet)

Scandion Oncology – Q4 & yearend report 2023 (Link)

SynAct Pharma (Nordnet)

Marina Bozilenko resigns from Board of Directors of SynAct Pharma (Link)

ViroGates (Nordnet)

No news the past week

Zealand Pharma (Nordnet)

Zealand Pharma Announces Financial Results for the Full Year 2023 (Link)

Zealand Pharma announces Boehringer Ingelheim survodutide Phase 2 trial shows 83% of adults treated achieved groundbreaking results in liver disease due to MASH, with significant improvements in fibrosis (Link)

Y-mAbs Therapeutics (Nordnet)

Y-mAbs Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2023 Financial Results and Recent Corporate Developments (Link)

2cureX (Nordnet)

No news the past week



On average, the Danish biotech and healthcare stocks delivered a positive share price performance of the past week of 0.8%. It was a week heavily influenced by earnings results by Biosergen (Nordnet), Curasight (Nordnet), Fluoguide (Fluoguide), Gubra (Nordnet), Pila Pharma (Nordnet), Saniona (Nordnet), Scandion Oncology (Nordnet), Zealand Pharma (Nordnet), and Y-mAbs Therapeutics (Nordnet). Furthermore, Zealand Pharma (Nordnet) presented positive results in liver disease. The stock rose 36% for the week. Genmab received priority review by the FDA for a BLA for Epcoritamab. The best stocks year-to-date are Y-mAbs Therapeutics, Zealand Pharma, and Gubra with 59-174% increases after nine weeks of trading. Overall the Danish biotech and healthcare stocks are in positive territory this year with a year-to-date return of 8.5%.

Overview of share price developments the past week, year-to-date, and last twelve months


In the past week, the all-Nordic index Kapital Partner Nordic Healthcare Index (KPHC) rose 0.9% to 61.44. The index was recovering from its all-time low in October of 57.12 but has since been on a downward trajectory. In the past 12 months, the index has significantly underperformed relative to large caps, while the venture/small cap Kapital Partner Nordic Growth Exchanges index (KPNGX) has followed the KPHC index’s downward trajectory down more than 20%.

The index development for Kapital Partner Healthcare Index the past 12 months

The KPHC index includes all Nordic healthcare stocks. This means both Novo Nordisk and Genmab as well as Curasight.

41-111% in weekly return for the three best-performing Nordic biotech & healthcare stocks the past week

Chosa Oncology AB (111%) (Nordnet) , has developed the iCIP platform, which includes a liposomal formulation of cisplatin (LiPlaCis) and the companion diagnostic (DRP) tool detecting patients who benefit the most of the cisplatin treatment. The recently achieved clinical phase 2b results mean that the Company is now gearing up the business development activities to find partners for partnership or trade deals.

Dancann Pharma AB (55%) (Nordnet) focuses on discovering, developing, producing, and commercializing novel cannabinoid drugs in a wide range of disease areas. The company produces and distributes prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, mainly focused on pain patients with alternative needs and treatment of their disease, covered by the Danish pilot program for medicinal cannabis.

MyFirstApp Sweden AB (41%) (Nordnet) offers a range of digital services, mainly consisting of digital applications specially adapted for children. The solutions are used by several preschools where the apps are adapted to different development levels for learning and personal development. The apps go by different names and touch, for example, simple mathematics and cognitive games. 

Sources: Refinitiv Eikon, Cision, Nordnet & company websites

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