Success leads to launch of next phase

Biotech company Biosergen has had such good results with the first four groups of subjects in their Phase 1 study that they are now launching the next part of the study, which involves “multiple dose” as opposed to “single dose” so far in the study. This is a quarter ahead of schedule and supports the investment case of Biosergen and the SEK 60M rights issue.

Biosergen: Ticker BIOSGN | Price: 4,1 | Market Cap.: SEK 115M | YTD price development: -23%

Biosergen is a biotech company listed on Nasdaq First North Sweden in June 2021. The company is developing an innovative drug to treat fungal infections that kill 1.5 million people annually – in both industrialised and third world countries.

The company’s BSG005 agent has demonstrated significant safety data and potency advantages over existing products developed in the 1950s-70s. BSG005 is in clinical phase I (the first of three phases of development towards the market), from which positive data have emerged. The first of several drugs is expected to be on the market in 2026/27.

View Kapital Partner’s investment case on Biosergen here

No harmful effect on liver or kidneys

One of the two major benefits of Bioserg’s treatment for aggressive (deadly) fungal infections is that patients do not suffer kidney damage, a major side effect of existing treatment. Preliminary results of the Phase 1 study have shown that subjects have not experienced any liver or kidney side effects, so the multiple dose part of the study is already underway.


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